Ya hace una semana que estábamos de lleno en el Encuentro Nacional Norte en Arica. Este es un evento importante en la vida de los GBU de Chile porque, debido a las distancias, es muy difícil que los estudiantes del Norte se puedan unir a los eventos nacionales. ¡Chile cuenta con 4000 km de Norte a Sur! No fue un grupo muy abundante (tan solo unos 12 estudiantes) pero chicos muy comprometidos con sus grupos y provinientes de varias ciudades: Antofasta, Iquique, Arica e incluso tres estudiantes de Perú (Tacna y Arequipa).
EZONO - National Gathering North in Arica
It is already a week that we were in full swing with the National Gathering North in Arica. This is a very important event in the life of GBU Chile because, due to distances, it is very difficult for students in the North to gather with other National events. Chile has 4000 km from North to South! It was not a large group (12 students) but students committed with their groups and coming from different cities: Antofasta, Iquique, Arica and also three students from Peru (Tacna y Arequipa).
We enjoyed God´s provision in many ways. We were able to almost be the first guests in a newly opened center for sports people. They gave us a very very special price. The studentes were responsible for menus and cooking. Integral mission!
Students received the Word and committed themselves to be real disciples of Jesus and to reach out to their mates for Jesus.
I did my trio from Arequipa to Arica by car. When I arrived to Arica the landscape had not changed and I was told it will not change for many more miles down south: the desert! I have to confess that I was fascinated and scared at the same time. One of the staffworkers who was with us was born in the North, the desert, but is now living in Santiago. She told me with emotion: "In the desert all is dead... the only thing alive is you". What a joy to know that Christian students are alive twice and that they can bring hope to this Chilean area that is dead because of the desert and is dead spiritually. Tomorrow I am going to share on Philip and the Eunuch. Philip was willing and obedient to leave a successful ministry and go down on the road to Gaza. Please pray for students to be faithful disciples in the desert like Philip. Pray also for the GBU Chile leaders that they may have wisdom to know how to connect this region better to the rest of the country. Pray that the Lord may send more Philips to this so much needed region.
Hi Edith thanks for this blog - it's so great to hear about your travels and experiences with the students and staff. And to see the photos! I have never been to this region, but have read about it, so it is particularly interesting to see the photos.
ResponderEliminarI am familiar with the passage about Philip and the Eunuch and I think it is really relevant for these students.
Bless you!
Victoria xxx