Gracias a Dios por la bendición del encuentro en Escobar! Intenso pero lindo, relindo, como dicen aquí. Nos reunimos alrededor de unas 30 personas entre estudiantes, profesionales (graduados) y obreros representando a Buenos Aires, Escobar y Rosario. El grupo incipiente en Escobar fue el grupo que nos acogió. Fue muy especial reunirme con ellos la noche anterior al encuentro. Chris y Sole son dos jóvenes comprometidos y apasionados por el ministerio al frente de este grupo.
Equipo de obreros de Buenos Aires: Julia, Patricia, Martin y Jacquelina
Gracias por orar!
Mañana salgo para Uruguay.
Regional Center in Escobar
Thanks be to God fot the blessing of the gathering in Escobar! Intense but "lindo, relindo" as they say here (meaning great). There were around 3o of us between students, graduates and staff. They represented Buenos Aires, Escobar and Rosario. The starting group in Escobar were our hosts. It was very special to spend some time with them the night before our gathering. Chris and Sole are the two young students comitted and passionate for the ministry leading the group.
I had the privilege to train with "The Great Commission in Context" (Matthew 28:16-20) y three sessions, encouraging students to reflect, interact, be challenged with a relationship with the Lord that grows and to reach out to their friends for Christ. It was particularly special to finish praying together. Two students made a paraphrasis of the text putting themselves in the disciples shoes. As I was reading the text I asked them to stand if they wanted to commit themselves, as the disciples did, not only individually but as a group. They all did! It was very hard to keep my tears. Thank you Lord!
We also had devotionals, workshops, thematic snack times and very fun evenings. We could experience a very beautiful atmosphere of fellowship and it felt just like home.
They asked me about the differences between students here and in Europe. Good question! But you know what? There are not that many differences... If I would not have repeated myself several times I was in Argentina, the group could have been just any groups I have been training in Europe (of course the language was an obvious hint too!). Students needt Jesus and the Christian Students need to be build up in their faith and be encouraged to proclaim the one who called them from darkness into the wonderful light.
Thanks for praying.
Tomorrow I am off to Uruguay.
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