11 mayo 2012

IFES Worldwide Training Consultation Ghana - Day 3

Memorable Quotes
  • Jesus was marching to establish his kingdom. He knew that the way lay through the cross.
  • Jesus knows he is the servant that willingly becomes a ransom for people, even if they do not understand.
  • Perhaps the disciples did not want to understand! They turn to more cheerful topics, things they can understand: Who will get the top jobs in the kingdom?
  • Christ’s kingdom is measured by the servanthood performed not by orders given. Jesus modelled by washing the dirty feet of his followers. He was willing to endure humiliation.
  • Jesus drank for us: to free us, so that we can then serve him and others; so we can submit to him and let him wash our feet.
  • The past is a different country, maybe the past generation is too.
  •  We are the content of our curriculum.
Provocative Questions
  • Do we recognize ourselves with any of the disciples ? Not wanting to believe what he seems to be saying about suffering and service? Do we recognize ourselves in the pushy disciples or the grumbling ones?
  • What do we mean by “curriculum”?
  • How many of us have a plan to move our people from A to B?
  • Who are the people to whom our curriculum is targeting to?
  • What is on the menu? How do you serve what is on the menu?
  • How do you organize the content of a curriculum? 
Thoughts to Ponder (Daniel Bourdanné)
  • We need a shift from activity orientated to effective orientated. We do spend a lot of time doing things and we need to see if they have that much impact.

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