- ¿Qué piensas de esto? ¿Estás de acuerdo?
- ¿Crees que matamos la creatividad? ¿Cómo?
- ¿Cómo podemos promover la creatividad?
19 abril 2012
Manteniendo la creatividad
18 abril 2012
IFES InterAction
The Word says:"Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field" (Matthew 9:38).
If you want to know more about IFES InterAction click here.
This is one way to do so. Pass it on!
If you want to know more about IFES InterAction click here.
16 abril 2012
"Undivided” unió 1.700 universitarios cristianos de toda Europa
“Undivided” unió 1.700 universitarios cristianos de toda Europa: Clica aquí para leer un excelente resumen que salió en Protestante Digital.
Y para ver algunas cuantas fotos, clica aquí.
¡Disfrutad! ¡Gracias por orar!
IFES Europe,
10 abril 2012
Undivided'12 - Fifth and last day - Quinto y último día
Today we address Revelation 1
After time to meditate on our own and share with those around us we hear the Word exposed:
- You are responsible for the future. We are not here to entertain. If we want people to be interested we need to be interesting, and we want to be interesting, we need to be interested. We need to be interested in all sort of things so that we can build bridges.
- We can only live in the present but we all look forward the future.
- The ultimate goal of history is Jesus Christ.
- We need to use our brains for both our professions and for reading the Bible or we will become ineffective.
- We are commanded to love the Lord our God with all our minds.
- The point of the book is to fill our heart and mind of Jesus Christ that we know more about him than when we started to read the book.
- It is not what it is but who it is. It is to tell us about Jesus.
- There is a lot in this text on the generation of light. The whole purpose is to increase the power of the light. Light sources: sun, stars, lamp stands, all sources of light. If Jesus is the light of the world why does he need us? Jesus is appearing in all his glorious light in order to increase our light potential. The light that radiating from us it is directly dependent on how it is connected to Jesus, the light. In order to generate light we need a revelation from the light of the Lord. See John. “I am the light of the world”. Jesus is the source of witness and we are called to be witnesses.
- Jesus is coming, to judge the world. If there is no judgement God is a dilusion. If we believe in justice, then judgement from God is a glorious thing. We need to know what the Bible says about justice because it is a great way to build it into a bridge to people’s heart.
- We need to center our lives around truth
- The question is not if we will enter heaven or not. It has to be about our lives. We have often communicated the message in a “what” way. We give the Gospel like a heaven ticket and it does not matter how we live our lives. But of course it makes a difference how you live. It is a message of salvation, repentance.
- We need to come back to the Gospel and realize how big it is, bigger than we thought!
- History is going somewhere.
We spend a lot of time praying for our friends today and praying that God will give us fire to share the Gospel in our Respond! group.
One of the great joys has been to lead a track for staff with Mailin and Cees. Great staff! Great time! Thank you!
In the same way God has give us so very much we want to give too: We collect a very generous offering for our sisters and brothers in Latin America. Praise God!
Martin Haizmann, Regional Secretary of IFES Europe addresses us as he commissions us:
After this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no-one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands. And they cried out in a loud voice: Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.Rev 7:9-10
1. Diversity
Unity in the diversity that God has given and God needs. All to be part of his eternal kingdom.
2. Worship
Worshipping the One God not a plurality of religions and gods. The one who is worshipped is also on the throne. He reigns. He is in control. He is sovereign. Our God. We will have to face all kinds of situations. But God is on the throne, the ultimate power.
3. Glory
He is the Lamb. Giving his life as sacrifice. He is worshipped. What a God!
4. Evangelism
This vision is the most motivating passage for evangelism. He wants all to participate in his glory. Winning worshippers for God. Evangelism exists because worship does not. Undivided - glory for him alone. Our calling.
5. Summary
We are invited to know the one true living God. And to worship him with an undivided God. And to share him with others so that they too worship.
Igors Rautmanis, Conference Director addresses the crowd to say thank you and the crowd claps and claps and claps (using sign language!) endlessly thank you.
It is time to say goodbye and pack! Lots to think and process and assimilate and do now!
Thank you for your faithful support towards this conference and your faithful prayers. God has heard it all.Undivided'12 - Fourth day - Cuarto día
See what a morning... glorious light!!!!
The disciples, warned by their friends, run to see the empty tomb!
He is not here, he is risen as he said!!!!!!!!!! He is alive!!!!!!
We meditate these amazing truth:- Death is defeated - Christ has risen.
- Together we are sent as messengers of the risen Jesus.
- Face struggles, but God speaks into that BUT.
- Christ defeated the enemy.
- New hope.
- Easter does not have to do with the past but with presence and the future.
- Christ is risen, he is risen indeed.
We become brothers and sisters - new family - one Father. We partake together as to remember...
We are filled with new Joy.
And we continue to hear, meditate, listen and respond to Word of God as we meditate on the risen Jesus in John 1:
Other great things happening at Undivided'12
Even though we need to queu for food (and today it is cold!), great conversations and new friends are made!
Great volunteers are serving us tirelessly. Thank you!
Student Leadership Formación Reunion - How great it is to hear not only how God worked, but how God has continued to do so!
Beautiful Spanish all over the place...
Gastronomic and cultural taste of the world!
Including nice Spanish "fuet" and "manchego".
Including "nice" Spanish entretainement.
Including an amazing variety of foods.
Including beautiful Ukrainians.
And funny Ducth!
What an amazing picture of God's amazing diversity and yet unity!
07 abril 2012
Undivided'12 - Third day - Tercer día
Very early start of the morning of the Planning Team to praise God for what he has done and entrust the day into His hands, the best place where they can be.
The same happens with the restless logistics team who are working very hard to serve us!
Igors Rautmanis, Conference Director, encouraging us to press on.
Today's Bible portion was Daniel 1
Some thoughts from John Lennox’s
talk:- “In the beginning…” There is always place for new beginnings.
- How do we maintain the faith when all around has shattered?
- It is a tragedy when our mind does not connect with our hearts. If our Christian faith does not make sense in our life it is not credible. How we behave is important.
- How did Daniel maintain his faith? How do we maintain ours? Daniel was prepared to push against the flow, are we?
- What are the values that determine our behavior? Values are important.
- What is sacred to you? God as holy, set apart. That was at the heart of Daniel’s witness. He will stand for the holiness of God, the purity of God. Because he knew people will look at his life and draw conclusions about God.
- There is a difference between trusting God and using our brain. There is always a danger of pride. We often trust our minds until we need to use God and we use him as a force. Using the mind and trusting in God, that is what we need.
- What make sus dirty? We need to remember that our body is temple of the Holy Spirit. We need to repent. We need to start again.
We pray for people to help us be like Daniel.
And we respond to God's word by thinking about students around us: how are they? How do they feel? What do they do? We compare with Daniel and we draw our conclusions: How are we going to keep our identity and integrity whatever the circumstances around us are?
Other things happening at Undivided'12:
Crowds walking back and forth from main hall to food courts and other activities...
Mission Markeplace, students learning from one another on how to reach out to our friends.
Some students enquiring on a year or two serving with InterAction.
Students getting to know one another, enjoying fellowship in the free time.
Students spending time with Jesus.
Students catching up on sleep!
Staff thinking together about how can we best train students in evangelism.
06 abril 2012
Undivided'12 - Second day - Segundo día
Because God speaks to us and He mainly speaks to us through his Word we wanted to give some very significant time to Scripture Engagement at our Conference using different ways. This is how we have started our day today:
Dios nos habla y nos habla mayoritariamente a través de su Palabra. Por ello hemos querido dar a la Palabra y su estudio prominencia en nuestro programa de maneras diferentes. Así empezamos el día:
First of all the Word is read aloud.
Primero la Palabra es leída en voz alta.
Then students spend quiet individual time reading and noting first reactions to Scripture. How is God speaking to me.
Los estudiantes después dedican un tiempo a leer la Palabra individualmente y a anotar las primeras reacciones. ¿Cómo me está hablando Dios a mí?
Then they spend some time discussing and praying with people around them.
Después pasan un tiempo compartiendo y orando con las personas que están sentadas a su alrededor.
Después pasan un tiempo compartiendo y orando con las personas que están sentadas a su alrededor.
Today's passage was Genesis 1. Some thoughts and questions of today:
El pasaje de hoy fue Génesis 1.
El pasaje de hoy fue Génesis 1.
- We often thing that our concept of our identity depends on what we believe about the past. But it is crucial to understand the beginning because that really determines who we are. Es crucial entender el principio porque ello determina realmente quienes somos.
- What is the nature of ultimate reality? There are two major worldviews: 1) The materialistic/naturalistic: Matter and energy is the ultimate reality. This universe is the ultimate reality. Implications: Our explanation must be reductionist. We must be able to explain ourselves in terms of chemistry and physics. 2) The other reality is God. Cosmovisiones: La materialista y la de Dios.
- That is where the battle between worldviews starts. This is where the Bible starts. The Bible assumes that God exists and this is not a weakness. It needs to start somewhere. “In the beginning God…”. La batalla empieza aquí no en el debate ciencia-fe-
- So, “What is my worldview?”: We need to see that it is true and we need to see that it is possible. This is not popular today. The idea of truth is seriously attacked. La pregunta que nos tenemos que hacer es: ¿Cuál es mi cosmovisión?
- In the Bible God is presented first of all as the Creator, responsible for the existence of heaven and earth. La Biblia nos presenta a Dios como Creador.
- God created the universe but he is not identified with it. Out of God’s command not out of God. Dios creo el universo pero no es igual a Él.
- God is a person. God is personal. Dios es una persona, Dios es personal.
- We exist because God wanted us to be. With all our weaknesses, etc. Existimos porque Dios lo quiso.
Then students had a chance to choose a "Respond! to the Word group. They then discussed how to apply the Word into their lives. These are some of the things that were discussed in the "Respond! to the Word by Applying it to our Daily Ministries:
Después los estudiantes se reúnen por "Grupos de Respuesta" que han escogido previamente y debaten cómo pueden aplicar la Palabra oída a sus vidas. Estas son algunas de las cosas de las que hablamos en el grupo de "Responde a la Palabra aplicándola a tu ministerio diario".
Después los estudiantes se reúnen por "Grupos de Respuesta" que han escogido previamente y debaten cómo pueden aplicar la Palabra oída a sus vidas. Estas son algunas de las cosas de las que hablamos en el grupo de "Responde a la Palabra aplicándola a tu ministerio diario".
And tonight we celebrated "Good Friday". We thought through:
Y esta noche hemos celebrado el viernes santo. Hemos pensado en:
Y esta noche hemos celebrado el viernes santo. Hemos pensado en:
- Why we need the cross - ¿Por qué necesitamos la cruz?
- What happened at the cross - ¿Qué pasó en la cruz?
- How sin is dealt with at the cross - ¿Cómo se lidia con el pecado en la cruz?
We were challenged to think through:
Algunos desafíos:
- Where have I loved anything more than God? - ¿He amado a algo/alguien más que a Dios?
- Where have I trusted anything more than God? - He confiado en algo/alguien más que en Dios?
- Where have I feared anything more than God? - He temido a algo/alguien más que a Dios?
- Where have I followed anything more than God? - He seguido más a algo/alguien que a Dios?
We were encouraged with some great truths:
Algunas palabras de ánimo con grandes verdades:
- Is it today the greatest day? Understanding the cross helps us understand that this is indeed the greatest day. Victory over death. He is punished for my sake. Entiender la cruz nos ayuda a entender que hoy en el día más grande: Victoria sobre la muerte. Él fue castigado en mi lugar.
- The cross changes forever the relationship with the Father. We can climb unto the Father's lap. Those who have received the Son are lovingly welcomed by the Father. La cruz nos da una nueva relación con el Padre.
- Because of the cross a new start is always available. Gracias a la cruz un nuevo comenzar es posible.
And as a symbol of us receiving the forgiveness of our sin we clipped hundreds of negative film unto a material that we wrapped around the cross.
Como símbolo de la seguridad que recibimos perdón de Dios enganchamos cientos de negativos de foto en unas sábanas con las que luego forramos una cruz.
Como símbolo de la seguridad que recibimos perdón de Dios enganchamos cientos de negativos de foto en unas sábanas con las que luego forramos una cruz.
We ended the day joyfully in the different cafes across campus and enjoying fellowship with people from over 50 countries! (in the photo... Spanish people!)
Acabamos el día celebrando gozosos en los diferentes cafés repartidos en el campus con personas de más de 50 países diferentes (en la foto... ¡los españoles!).
Acabamos el día celebrando gozosos en los diferentes cafés repartidos en el campus con personas de más de 50 países diferentes (en la foto... ¡los españoles!).
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