El sabático bíblico es el origen de la práctica presente del fin de semana, sábado y domingo, en el que los empleados, en general, no trabajan.
En tiempos recientes, sabático ha venido a significar cualquier tipo de ausencia del trabajo de un indiviudo para hacer algo. En el sentido moderno, uno toma un sabático para cumplir con algún propósito, por ejemplo escribir, viajar, hacer investigación intensa”.
El descanso es una parte importante de nuestra vida. ¿A cuántos de nosotros nos cuesta descansar? Quizás es porque estamos demasiado ocupados, quizás porque no sabemos decir que no, quizás es porque queremos agradar a las personas, quizás es porque no sabemos como descansar, quizás es porque incluso creemos que no debemos descansar y nos sentimos culpables si lo hacemos.
Pero el descanso es un concepto bíblico. El descanso es necesario. Por esta razón es bueno parar.
Gracias por acompañarme en este tiempo y por tener paciencia conmigo si no estoy tan disponible, tan fresca, etc. Pero que salga de esto refrescada y renovada.
Que Dios os dé descanso, el descanso de saber que estáis en Él.
This is what I found in Wikipedia regarding the concept of sabbatical:
"Sabbatical is a rest from work, often lasting from two months to a year.
The foundational Bible passage for sabbatical concepts is Genesis 2:2-3, in which God rested (literally, "ceased" from his labour) after creating the universe, and it is applied to people (Jew and Gentile, slave and free) and even to beasts of burden in one of the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:8-11, reaffirmed in Deuteronomy 5:12-15).
Biblical Sabbath is the origin of the present-day practice of "the weekend", Saturday and Sunday, in which most employees usually do not have scheduled work.
In recent times, "sabbatical" has come to mean any extended absence in the career of an individual in order to achieve something. In the modern sense, one takes sabbatical typically to fulfil some goal, e.g., writing a book or travelling extensively for research."
Rest is an important part of our life. And yet how many of us struggle resting? Maybe it is because we are too busy, maybe it is because we do not know how to say no, maybe it is because we are people-pleasers, maybe it is because we do not know how to rest, maybe it is because we believe rest is not for us and we feel guilty if we rest.
But rest is a Biblical command. Rest is needed. This is why it is good to stop.
I am now going on sabbatical for a few months. It is a time for me to rest, pause, think and be refreshed. Thank you for upholding me during this time and being patient if I am not so available, fresh, etc.
May the Lord give you rest, the rest that comes from being in Him.
En tiempos recientes, sabático ha venido a significar cualquier tipo de ausencia del trabajo de un indiviudo para hacer algo. En el sentido moderno, uno toma un sabático para cumplir con algún propósito, por ejemplo escribir, viajar, hacer investigación intensa”.
El descanso es una parte importante de nuestra vida. ¿A cuántos de nosotros nos cuesta descansar? Quizás es porque estamos demasiado ocupados, quizás porque no sabemos decir que no, quizás es porque queremos agradar a las personas, quizás es porque no sabemos como descansar, quizás es porque incluso creemos que no debemos descansar y nos sentimos culpables si lo hacemos.
Pero el descanso es un concepto bíblico. El descanso es necesario. Por esta razón es bueno parar.
Gracias por acompañarme en este tiempo y por tener paciencia conmigo si no estoy tan disponible, tan fresca, etc. Pero que salga de esto refrescada y renovada.
Que Dios os dé descanso, el descanso de saber que estáis en Él.
This is what I found in Wikipedia regarding the concept of sabbatical:
"Sabbatical is a rest from work, often lasting from two months to a year.
The foundational Bible passage for sabbatical concepts is Genesis 2:2-3, in which God rested (literally, "ceased" from his labour) after creating the universe, and it is applied to people (Jew and Gentile, slave and free) and even to beasts of burden in one of the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:8-11, reaffirmed in Deuteronomy 5:12-15).
Biblical Sabbath is the origin of the present-day practice of "the weekend", Saturday and Sunday, in which most employees usually do not have scheduled work.
In recent times, "sabbatical" has come to mean any extended absence in the career of an individual in order to achieve something. In the modern sense, one takes sabbatical typically to fulfil some goal, e.g., writing a book or travelling extensively for research."
Rest is an important part of our life. And yet how many of us struggle resting? Maybe it is because we are too busy, maybe it is because we do not know how to say no, maybe it is because we are people-pleasers, maybe it is because we do not know how to rest, maybe it is because we believe rest is not for us and we feel guilty if we rest.
But rest is a Biblical command. Rest is needed. This is why it is good to stop.
I am now going on sabbatical for a few months. It is a time for me to rest, pause, think and be refreshed. Thank you for upholding me during this time and being patient if I am not so available, fresh, etc.
May the Lord give you rest, the rest that comes from being in Him.