06 agosto 2010

La semilla esta plantada - The seed is planted

Dicen que en la vida hay que plantar un arbol, escribir un libro y tener un hijo. Ya plante el arbol! Quizas el hecho de que plantara varios me exime del resto... En un tiempo habran varios arboles tamarindos plantados por el grupo de EFEC.

They say that in life you have to plant a tree, write a book and have a child. I have planted a tree! In fact I have planted several... maybe that will excuse me from the rest... In a little while there will be lots of tamarind trees planted by the EFEC group.

Que hermosa ilustracion de lo que Dios me ha permitido hacer en estas semanas. Cuantas gracias le doy de haberme permitido plantar semillas, semillas, que a su tiempo traeran buen fruto. De hecho, ya lo hacen... es hermosa la obra de Dios en todos estos estudiantes.

What a beautiful ilustration of what God has allowed me to do these weeks. How many thanks I give him to have given me the privilege and gift to plant some seeds in these lives, seeds, that will bear fruit in their time. Well, they are already bearing fruit... the work of God in the lives of these students is beautiful.

Gracias por ser parte de ello. Hubiese sido imposible sin vuestro apoyo. Gracias. Seguid orando. Estoy saliendo para Haiti, d.m., en unos dias.

Thanks for being part of it. It would have been impossible without your support. Thanks. Continue praying.
I am off to Haiti, God willing, in a few days.

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