09 mayo 2012

IFES Worldwide Training Consultation Ghana - Day 1

Expectations (from Daniel Bourdanné, GS IFES)

  • May this consultation give us back the passion to training.
  • Think of the content of our training: So that students become more like Jesus.
  • Training form: Becoming creative, explore new paradigms.
Some memorable quotes
  • This is the danger when we become experts: We do not open our intelligence to other realities that may not be possible yet but could be possible tomorrow, can even become the norm.
  • We can become prisoner of our training methodologies, forms.
  • God often uses people from the periphery to bring a change of paradigm. 
  • If we want to change we need to face our insecurities. 
  • Change of paradigm may imply that we need to get rid of some things radically.
  • This is precisely where the change of paradigm is: What people thought was impossible becomes possible.
  • The OT is the oldest program of theological education.
  • The teaching in the NT is for the church as a whole. 
  • This community together learns about the divine program of education.
  • Christians invented theological education, converting the educational system of their contemporary time.
  • Christian understanding is developing continually as it interacts with the world around.
  • Theology is about thinking in interesting ways, making decisions in a Christian way. So there are always new questions that arise as we interact with the world.
  • A change of paradigm will not happened if you are satisfied with the status quo, without critical reflection, a critical judgement of the assumptions.
  • We look at history to move forward.
  • We read history to see where we are going in the future. Our history is who we are.
  • Two things that give IFES strength and that create an environment where paradigm shifts can happen easily:
    • Rock solid commitment to Scripture.
    • Commitment at the grass-root (student initiative).
  • God has used very young and ordinary people.
  • Acts 1:8 – the vision is to share until the end of the earth.
  • We need to give the glory to God. At the end of the day is through the power of His spirit.
  • Counter cultural: even if we are the only people in this place we will do it. How do we create that passion? Because, yes, it is possible.
  • Principle of student leadership is very important.
  • There are seasons and we need to adapt the work in and out of seasons.
  • We need to tell our stories and we need to tell it with passion. We need to celebrate what God has done.
  • Questions come from context but answers don’t: we have to go to Scripture to get answers.
Provocative Questions
  • What is worthy of study?
  • What will be the order in which you ask the following questions?
    • What enduring or eternal truths should the curriculum provide?
    • What essential skills and knowledge should the curriculum provide?
    •  What problems or experiences of the learner and his/her context should the curriculum address?
    • What do learners need to grow to their full potentials? What threats should the curriculum help them to remove?
  • What is curriculum? What does it include? What does it have to achieve? How do we go about it?

6 comentarios:

  1. Me emocionó leer todo esto! Gracias por compartirlo :) Estoy expectante!!!

  2. Gracias Ale! Seguimos! Con ganas de compartir con COMPA muchas cosas! Qué cosas te impactaron?

  3. Me encanta la idea de pensar la formación y estar abiertos al cambio de paradigma. Me hace pensar las cosas de las cuales debemos deshacernos y también el cómo abrir espacio a otros. Me hace pensar y me emociona seguir reflexionando en todo esto!

  4. Cuales creeis que son las "viejos paradigmas" y los "nuevos paradigmas?

  5. Algunos de los "viejos" creo que son pensar en la formación como: 1)sólo transmitir información y nutrir solo en el campo intelectual, 2)pensar en términos de eventos o espacios formales solamente, 3)un énfasis en que solo "expertos" compartan, 4)no enseñar a la gente a cuestionar o no formarlos para autoformarse
    Y algunas cosas nuevas, aunque no les llamaría "nuevos paradigmas", sino cosas que me gustaría considerar más son:
    1)escuchar más a quienes son formados por nosotros y hacerlo parte del proceso
    2)dejar que la Palabra defina contenidos de formación y también el contexto de los estudiantes con quienes trabajamos
    3)pensar la formación de manera integral y no solo en eventos, capacitaciones o libros que leer

    Sigo pensando Edith...

  6. Fantastico! Gracias! A seguir pensando...
